Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on How to Have a Foam Party. This includes venue, Tips, Safety, and How to have a foam party with kids
There are many different types of parties that are popular these days, but the foam party is most certainly one of them. Regardless of age, people of all walks of life seem to find something exciting about it. Our guess is that it’s probably foam.
It is certainly possible to throw your own foam party. However, there are a few considerations you need to keep in mind so everyone can have a memorable and enjoyable experience. There are many reasons why foam parties are a great choice for any celebration: birthdays, graduations, after proms, reunions, or even a fun summer party. In order to help you throw the best foam party you can, let’s take a look at some tips on how to do it! Whether this article speaks to you or your next dream is to throw your own foam party, Rythm EFX can help you make it a reality!
Choosing the right venue for your event
Planning any event begins with choosing a venue that meets your needs from the start. This is one of the most important steps in the planning process. When it comes to your foam party, this is going to be of particular importance to you. In order to choose the perfect party venue for your event, you should take into account various factors like the time of year, the weather conditions expected (especially if you are choosing an outdoor location), the age group of your guests, the number of people attending, and the water-resistance of the venue. That last point is very important and certainly a deal-breaker when it comes to throwing a foam party.
The outside world
Choosing an outdoor venue for summer parties has a lot of benefits, especially during the summer months. The first advantage is that you won’t have to worry about water damage from the foam. Also, the cleanup process will be significantly reduced since there is no foam. If you are planning to hold a foam party outside, it is a good idea to find a hard surface like a patio or driveway.
If that is not possible, we recommend throwing a plastic sheet down on the lawn to protect the bubbles and to keep the grass safe. It is a great idea to add a bouncy castle to your kid’s foam party if you are having one since it will help contain the bubbles in one area and keep the kids from falling on the hard ground when they are slipping and falling. I think a bouncy castle would also be a good idea if you’re throwing a foam party for adults because they’re fun for all ages.
On the inside
The time of year as well as the fact that cold weather and wet conditions do not mix well together could be a good reason to book an indoor venue for your foam party. You should discuss with the owner of the venue that you intend to have a foam party and ensure that the dance floor will remain water-resistant if you do decide to do so.
It might be the case that some venue owners are apprehensive about having a foam party at their property for fear of damage to the floors or walls, so having this discussion is vital to ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding what will be happening at the event.
In addition, be sure to book a space that is spacious enough for your guests to move freely and comfortably. Having too many people in too limited of a space will bring down any party, particularly when there isn’t enough space to play with the foam.
Preparing for the trip
While many people believe that they can make their own foam using some dish soap, this is NOT recommended. It is well known that dish soap is painful for your eyes as well as causes rashes on your skin. If you have ever had shampoo get in your eyes, you know what a burning and stinging sensation feel like, which will certainly ruin the party if you get it in your eyes.
The best option is to rent a legitimate foam machine – such as the one Rythm EFX offers – in order to avoid these issues altogether. You should search for a machine that produces hypoallergenic foam and won’t irritate your skin. Ideally, the foam should also be biodegradable. I think it is more fun to have a party if everyone is healthy and safe, including the Earth. In addition to making the application of the foam easier, by using a foam machine you will also create less of a mess than if you tried to make it yourself.
As the plastic sheet acts as a protective covering for the ground or flooring, it is advisable to make sure you have a large enough sheet to cover the entire area where you intend to apply the foam. You shouldn’t hesitate to use multiple tarps if you’re unable to find one big enough. Make sure you use duct tape around the edges of all the sheets in order to keep it secure! It will prevent them from sliding around and foam from seeping between the cracks in the sheets, preventing them from sliding.
You may also want to cover the walls with some plastic sheets to keep them safe, depending on the type of venue that you choose. It is better to be safe than sorry, right? You should choose furniture, like plastic lawn chairs and tables, that will not be damaged by water or foam. Also, it is recommended that you cover electrical sockets, plugs, and keep the DJ booth away from the foam pit to avoid electrocution hazards.

The importance of staying safe
People may be tempted to wear flip-flops to the foam party, but it is not recommended. The flip-flops are extremely easy to lose in the foam, and they won’t provide you with very much traction or protection when you are dancing on a crowded and slippery floor. It is recommended that your guests wear tennis shoes, crocs, or water shoes so that they can avoid the pain of someone accidentally stepping on them during the event.
Skidding or sliding is not allowed
If you have a slippery floor, it is very tempting to go Risky Business and slide across it rather than walk. It is very dangerous, not only for the person sliding but for anyone they might run into as they slide. Collisions can occur, resulting in neck and back injuries for the person sliding.
In addition, it is important not to pick people up for a long period of time if you are in the middle of a foam party because foam makes people slipper, which increases the chance of them falling or being dropped. It is always a good idea to set out clear ground rules in order to keep things under control and to keep everyone safe.
Plastic cups and plates
A foam party can get pretty raucous, so it is advisable to avoid using anything breakable (other than the DJ equipment of course), especially glass cups or plates. Glass that is shattered is easily covered by foam, and people are much more likely to suffer injuries from it, cutting up their legs and ankles. In addition, plastic cups and plates are far easier to clean up after a party than glass ones.
Policy on smart cell phones
In spite of the fact that many of the cell phones available nowadays claim to be waterproof, they are at a greater risk of damage than you might think. As a precautionary measure, make sure to provide a safe location where everyone can put their phones when they go into the foam in order to avoid damage. Your guests will appreciate having a place to put their personal items without having to worry about them getting damaged or wet whether this is a lockbox or a separate room.
A plastic bag with a lid has proven to be a successful option we have seen! Make sure they are aware that you are not liable for damages if they choose to keep their phone with them at all times. We recommend having a designated photographer at the party in order for people not to feel that they are missing out on any valuable photo opportunities if they don’t have their phones with them.
I can attest that throwing a foam party is one of the best ways to turn a basic and boring function into a fun and exciting one. Call Rythm EFX if you are looking to rent a foam machine near you. We offer a wide range of special effects, theatrical lighting, and custom props to the whole of Northern Colorado. Contact us if you want more information, if you want more ideas, or if you’d like to book a rental. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
How to have a foam party with kids
Parties with foam have become a popular way to add a little bit of fun and a little bit of mess to any party. Falling in foam is a great way to break the ice when you are meeting new people. In addition to that, it’s also a way to have fun during the party by sliding across the floor. Foam machines can be rented for a foam party, but it is also possible to make your own foam without the use of machines, which can save money.
This is the first step in the process
Take a large, plastic tub and fill it with water. Alternatively, if you have access to a plastic kids’ pool, you can make use of that. Usually, the tub or pool is placed in the middle of the room and a trash can is placed in the middle of the tub. Ideally, the hose should be able to reach the trash can from the inside.
The Second Step consists of the following:
The nozzle end of the hose should go into the trash can, and the other end of the hose should be connected to a hot water source. It is imperative that the water is hot in order for the foam to be created optimally.
This is the third step that you need to take
The shop vac should be set to the blow feature rather than the vacuum setting. Connect the hose to the shop vac and turn it on. If you are about halfway down the trash can, you should be able to find the shop vac and hose. Take the shop vac and blow all the water from the trash can to the outside.
There should be very little water being sprayed from the hose since most of the water should be blowing out of the trash can. This may require some adjusting of the water pressure to make it happen. This can be a sign that the hose is running too quickly if the trash can begins to fill up with water.
The fourth step
Someone else can squirt the liquid dishwashing liquid into the stream of water. The soap should be sprayed close to the nozzle of the hose in order to receive the full force of the water. As a result, the foam will be created which will soon overflow from the trash can and fill up the bathtub or swimming pool. Eventually, the foam will overflow into the room or outdoor area, while the tub or pool will begin to fill with water. In order to prevent overflowing and flooding, the pool should be emptied with buckets.
This is the fifth step
By spreading out the foam with the shovel, you will create an area that is more evenly foamed.
For foam parties, what do they use?
How do I prepare for a foam party? For a foam party, you will need (at a minimum) a foam machine, foam machine solution, a water source, a foam machine reservoir, a standard outlet, a foam party machine operator, and a waterproof speaker. Let us examine each of them.
Is it safe to attend foam parties?
It is non-toxic, biodegradable, and hypoallergenic. Skin, clothes, pets, and lawns will not be affected. Foam parties are a fun activity for children of all ages and abilities.